Renewal 1104 – from Agna and Agnes


Agna has no pictures of this battle as he was involved
so sadly cannot recount in pictures how he beat the hordes
of the Blood Queen single-handedly - well with a little from some
other people around that day....
Little will be noted of how it wasn't Agna who
dropped the metal and lost it...

Sadly - we cannot show in pictures the chance meeting - (on several occasions )
between Agna and Cora of the Company
where he was able to gather an arrow or two,
and chat amiably as the blows fell around him in the battle...
or those quiet moments on the other flank -
with Niam of the Nomads - who
insisted that she shouldn't really be talking with a stranger
- being a guest of the Nomads
but gratefully accepted those arrows he gathered for her...
Of the search for springs so battle-hardened water
could be taken to the weary warriors...

(If I find other pictures of the battle I will host or post the links here)  




also see wolves-pictures site |  |