Fayre - continued (back to start page)
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Hengist stands and says "Tara, you mentioned that somebody might tell of the
journey home from Albion. If you were very lucky, somebody might. But I
shall not be that somebody! If you want a reason, just look at me!
LOOK AT ME!! I have aged. I am old even if only temporarily. There is nothing better to cheer a mans heart, than to watch his hands wrinkle, and his skin flake in front of his very eyes. Mind you, it does have it's good points. "With this, he unpacks his tankard, and wangs Olaf around the back of the head." "Ungrateful cur, where is the respect for your elders? Fetch me some Mead... and a blanket!" As Olaf starts to talk back, Hengist lets out a mighty bellow, and drags Olaf behind some benches. In between the sounds of raw meat being slapped against a marble slab, and the dull gonging of what is suspected to be his drinking tankard, the garbled words are made out of "...teach ...you ...respect ...boy." Before standing up again, waving a battered and dented drinking cup. Breathing heavily he starts to laugh, then cough, then choke, turn blue, stumble over his beard and fall flat on his back... |
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Grinning, Olaf vaults the benches with a howl, to then promptly proceed with
tromping the indisposed Hengist with his Hobnailed boots. Oddly, Hengist seems to improve under this treatment. Even regaining some of his colour. 'Talking of fallen brothers', he grins, as Hengist glares at him balefully from under his bushy eyebrows. |
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With his upstart brother now well and truly under foot, Olaf turns to Gunn.
'This is, unfortunately, only a passing visit. I have trade appointments in
Jhereg lands. Thereafter, I shall be traveling on to the Vipers.
And I am still trying to negotiate with the Fir Cruthen... If there is anything we may require from these foreign peoples, let me know. Although certain requirements may also involve larger investments. That, of course, also goes for anybody else here. If anyone wishes to accompany me, you are welcome. And I shall have us all back well in time for the summit, as I need to renegotiate with certain other factions.' |
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"You know, over the last few months, we seem to have come up with so many
different theories, all of which we seem to briefly discuss and then forget
about. This one involving Hod is interesting. Though how do Garm and Loki fit into the picture. Hod somehow persuaded Garm to leave his post to somehow bring about Ragnarok so that Baldar will live again? Where does Loki fit into this? Hod wouldn't want to work with Loki, seeing as Loki was responsible for Hod killing Balder in the first place. So is he using Loki? What about the other ideas we've discussed. I seem to remember Thiassi being mentioned. Something about apples……Garm stealing apples again to start Ragnarok……..Thiassi convincing somebody that everything is Loki's fault for getting the apples back……Oh this doesn't make sense. These can't both be right can they? They could both be totally wrong too! It seems we agree on 2 of the players: Loki and Garm. We also seem convinced that there's somebody else involved too . Who's manipulating who and for what reasons? Somewhere along the line we decided that the ultimate goal is an early Ragnarok or at least a different outcome. So where does this leave us? Half the year has gone by and Garm and the Crimson Wolves have been very quiet. Why? Is Garm waiting for instructions from somebody? Or is he the one giving out the instructions?" Looking very confused, Tara turns hopefully to Selene. "Any ideas?" |
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Rurisk responded: "Umm actually so far I haven't seen any evidence that Loki is even involved APART from the fact that Garm is commanding the Crimson Wolves which are worshippers of Loki. Basically Grimnir, and Garm both seem to have Hod as a benefactor (or some other "cold" god but hod is most likely) Hod has a vested interest in getting Ragnarok off early as his crime will
be effectively wiped clean as Balder will return to life. Given the passage
read by Selene it seems likely to me that Hod would be doing this not out of
revenge as I first thought but rather from grief of his crime. Loki may not
even be involved, Hod in his grief is attempting to (no pun) blindly solve
his problem by accelerating Ragnarok so Balder returns to life that bit
faster. As to Garm stealing apples, would those be Iduns apples the ones that grant immortality to the Gods? That would be serious... Perhaps we should send (and I shudder to think of going there again) a group of people to Niflheim to speak with Hod." |
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But Tara said: "I just find it unlikely that Garm is doing all this stuff with the Crimson Wolves without Loki's involvement. Surely he would know that Garm was controlling them and surely he'd want to get involved somehow…… As for the apples, yes, those are the ones I meant. It was just something that was mentioned just after the winter. Selene was looking through the Book again and was reading a passage about Thiassi the cold god and how he kidnapped Idnun so the Gods would grow old. Then Loki rescued Idnun (in some interpretations – the other being that Braggi rescued her, hidden in the Wolf Pelt that Balba now has) , so he and Thiassi don't get on, which is why Garm is controlling the Crimson Wolves. I think it was then Selene that went on to suggest that perhaps Garm is planning to steal the apples again, so that the Gods are weakend when Ragnarok comes around. Now I not saying that this is all right. I just thought we shouldn't dismiss the ideas we've already come up with. At the moment, the Hod idea sounds right, but we've only just come up with that one……." |
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"I think it would be a good idea if you, me and Selene sat down with a pen and a piece of paper (and a pint of Cider) at Summit." said Rurisk |
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"Sounds like a great idea, but Selene won't be there! I'm loathed to leave it until Renewal, coz I'm sure Garm/Hod/Loki/Thiassi/Grimla/anybody else we can think of, won't wait for us to work out what's going on!" |
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"If you can read perhaps Selene can copy the relevant bits out of the book
of Odin... Or perhaps we can grab someone who can read for our little brain beating session..." |
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Throughout everyone's myriad greetings and messages, Westag has sat like a
bunch of old bones on a trestle, beside Gunn. The wall hangings and
candle-spiked darkness seems to hedge in on him - Westag seems very old
His response to everyone is the same - no words, just a flat gaze that
disconcerts the speaker. Occasionally his mouth twists, but whether it is in
amusement or aggravation, no- However, Invar's words cause him to whisper: 'I'm not your boss' from between pursed lips. And he seems to pay especial attention to Tara's account of the Battle of Erin. When the conversation turns to Hod and Garm, Westag draws himself up a little and takes a deep, rattling breath - he seems a little more assertive, and listens intently. |
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Settling himself down next to Westag, Hengist hands over a smokestick, and grins inanely. 'Feel as old as you do today', he chuckles, baring long, yellowed teeth. ( seconds before pinching westags mead |
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Selene listens to Tara and Rurisk then speaks.. "You said rurisk about having to go to Nifelheim and i agree with you. when we were all by the beach a few months ago, before the whole Ship incident i read the runes ad i siad then that we would have to travel to nifelheim to sort this matter out." She stares at the floor, and for a moment looks very uncomfortable "I did come up with the idea about Thiassi and the stealing of Iduns apples, it seems to make sense, especially due to the fact that the wolf pelt was used to rescue idun and the apples and we have been searching for it as one of the Lost gifts. It all seems to tie in that these gifts are important to the here and now and that is why we are searching for them now..of course ....we now know where the pelt is, its just a matter of getting it of balba...." Selene sips her mead and thinks for a moment then gets up... "Im going to the temple to meditate, you never know maybe something will come to me, all i know is that right now, ive got a stinking headache and more theories than you could shake your fist at..." |
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Invar Interjects... "Traveling to the land of my Lady? I ... would be honoured to accompany you, and help to show you the ways that I see in my sleep. But remember the price that you all paid last time. Is is really worth it?" Glancing across at Westag's weakened form the worry is evident on Invar face. Turning from Westag he mutters inaudible to all except who those who face him and are close. "I cannot, will not, lose another charge." |
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Westag appears to be making idle patterns in the spilled mead of the table,
whilst staring fixedly at his tobacco-pouch. His aggravated voice cuts
through the discussion at the table like a whip.
Oh yes, let's all wander down to Niflheim shall we? No problem, lets just batter our way into My Lady's domain and poke around a bit....' Westag snorts in anger and exasperation. 'Its not like popping on a longship, kids. You don't 'raid' Niflheim. Those of you have been there before should know that. I''ve been there twice - and once I was so badly hurt I can hardly remember it. The only reason I survived the FIRST time is because of Bjorne and his damn-fool idealism. Just because Garm isn't apparently on the gates anymore won't make it any easier. I revere my Lady Hel, but she would quite like to have company for her beloved Bjorne down there, let me tell you. We won't be allowed a sweet and easy trip like when Bjorne declared his piety. She may well decide to kill us Herself, and no Hammer, no Berserk fury, no Runes and no faith will stop her.' Not being a fool, Westag can see all the young bloods puffing up their chests ready to face any dangers..... And if you die down there that's IT. No Valhalla, no feasting, no eternity of wenching. Just Niflheim. Forever.' Westag smokes fiercely on his smokestick, the brief red glare illuminating the deep lines and craggy features of his age-ravaged face... |
"I have been there Westag.." says Rusrisk, "I suggested it as it seems to be the only thing we can do to find out what is ACTUALLY happening. At the moments we are seeing the effects of what is going on, but not the causes. |
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Towards the rear of the gloomy Hall, near the great doors, Saebjorn sits
huddled in his dark cloak. The frigid breeze from outside draughts about his
legs as he carefully fletches an arrow. Turning a strange, wooden shaft between
numbing fingers, he delicately interlaces a thin twine around the feathers, all
the while softly speaking a prayer to his sightless god. Saebjorn came to the Great Hall when the long ships returned from the shores of Albion. The purpose he sought in that green and sodden land unrealised. Torn at times between the sombre mood of his faith and the eagerness of youth, he has listened to the other Stormwolves recall their tales of heroic deeds. As Selene spoke aloud the all too familiar tragedy of Hod, Saebjorn moved closer to the conversations of the wise Runesayer, Tara and Rurisk, taking a seat near the fire he warms his chapped hands. "Rurisk, I shall add to your words by saying it is a blessing to be blind to the world around us. Clarity of thought comes when distractions cannot be seen. The grief of Hod does not go unheeded." S aebjorn looks into the fire before dragging his gaze aside. "It shall be a piercing winter yet…" |
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In a dark pool deep within the underworld realms a reflection of a black and
white face is visible in the dim light. The Paladin of Hel queries
"So why can't I hear them? I see them clearly enough..." "It is not allowed". The speaker, only a shadowy form sitting on a throne carved of bone shifts position slightly. "I don't understand". "It is not my decision. Those decisions rest solely with Odin. It appears that my brethren are tired of molly-coddling the Stormwolves. The intervention of the Gods has been limited. Nowadays only the gifted may see or hear them... and this is usually in their dreams". "...as you first appeared to me". "Exactly. They have been given more control over their destinies". "Can they avoid Ragnarok?" There is a quiet laugh and the figure walks across the cold chamber towards the tall armoured figure.. "No, if anything is certain, it is Ragnarok." With a wave of a pale hand the vision in the pool fades. "Can I not watch a little longer?" "No, I have a job for you. Follow me". |
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Rurisk: "Maybe it's not when but WHERE we should be thinking about.. where were fayre, heart and renewal last year?" |
Tara: "I'm pretty sure Fayre was on Viper territory last year. Wasn't Heart on Greenskin territory? I remember Bjorne fighting one of their champions anyway. Hmmm…Renewal….nope, can't remember where that was. So maybe Garm's in league with the Vipers and Greenskins? Hmmm….a bit far fetched I think!" |
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Rurisk: Umm no I was thinking more that perhaps he and the crimson wolves are hidden in either the Viper lands or the Greenskin lands.. |
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Selene listens intently to the conversation.. "Perhaps its because they
wouldn't recognise Garm that he can stay hidden in their lands" I'd forgotten that you didnt go on that quest...i seem to remember Garm turning up..wasnt that the time he tried to make Gunn kneel before him, I remember charging at him with an axe (which id have never lifted if we'd been on this plane) that was definitely at renewal because Olaf and Zog found the amulet during the quest which we detonated to charge the giants heart" She taps her fingers mindlessly on her leg whilst considering a plan. |
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Westag shuffles over to a shuttered window, and peers outside through the
turbulent weather. 'Wish I was a ranger... then I could tell if this blasted storm will break before it's time to leave.' Westag turns round and faces the younger Stormwolves, partially shrouded in darkness, the burning ember of his smokestick glaring in the halflight. 'There's some good thinking here, more than there used to be. I remember quite clearly when all these questions and theorizing would have been Lord Myst's alone. Stormwolves were his hands, and didn't have to struggle with things like this.' Westag shakes his head wearily, leaning back against the firm log wall. 'Can't decide whether it was better then or now. Then we just did as we were told, and we knew the enemy well. He'd been Myst's son after all. Now - it's just so much more mysterious. And I don't like mysteries, My Lady only knows.' Glancing outside once again, Westag then coughs violently before catching his breath. 'Best to tie things up, Stormwolves. Whatever points you have, make them now and make them clear. Gunn and I need a chat soon, and then I need to confer with the healers, and he with the Priests of Odin. All before we leave for Lord Wolf's home. At least it will be a short journey...*koff*' |
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Listening to Westag cough and splutter, Tara looks genuinely concerned,
but resists the urge to find him an extra cloak to wrap up in, knowing he
wouldn't appreciate being molly-coddled. Turning back to the conversation "Perhaps it would be worth talking to some of our allies in other factions. Garm may only be bothering us….for now…..but if he's not at the gates of Niffelheim, he has to be hiding somewhere. Perhaps we can limit his options by ensuring he's less then welcome elsewhere too." |
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Rurisk: That's true.. Plus it seems that undead are becoming more prevalent again what with the Vampire Lords and these Death Knights wandering around. It could be many of them have already escaped from Niflheim. |
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Saebjorn has been listening quietly. "Forgive my lack of wisdom on the matter, I have but my father's tales to guide me. But how was Garm chained in the first place? Which god bound him to the gates of the underworld? If we knew what powers had sway over Garm, could we not appeal to them for help to rechain him? I believe the valiant Tyr is destined to destroy Garm - would Tyr lend us the power to facedown Garm?" |
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The Paladin ... Heavy boots underneath black robes crush the soft basalt forming on the edges of lakes of magma. A tall figure halts at the edge of a steep ravine, a shorter figure of a woman stands beside him. She turns her head towards him. "Look down there, tell me what you see". "The souls of the dead.... they're moving towards something". "Yes. The Gate". "You mean THE gate?" "Yes". "They're trying to escape. But they can't". "They lack the strength. The power of this realm is too great, it holds them here". "But not all of them". "No.. not all. Some find the power to return to the world you have just left". "Grimnar". The young face, marked by the black and white of Hel, grimaces at the mention of the name. "Yes. Grimnar. Strength in life brings strength in death. Now that he has such a powerful patron his power on the mortal plain is almost unrivalled". "Can the Stormwolves destroy him?" "I am not certain. They could have done with your help. He wanted to destroy you. However you seem to have done that without his help." The tall figure shift uncomfortably and clears his throat. "So Westag and Invar are in danger. You cannot intervene?" "I did that once to help you... and paid dearly for doing so. No, they are on their own. Now, follow me. I need you to drive these mindless souls back to the depths of my realm". "OK. Will any of them recognise me?" "Possibly". "Oh joy". |
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Selene turns to seabjorn, "i like your thinking, il see what i can come up with in research, however it could also be a good idea to give some cash away, i mentioned it at crusade but i dont think it happened...." Selene walks towards one of the other rooms where she keeps various books and scrolls, on the way she patts Westag on the back, checking he is ok. |
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Selene suddenly runs from the room she entered, her face pale and shocked. in
her hands she holds a dusty scoll and as she traces across lines with her
trembling finger she speaks to the other wolves.. "Im not sure why i didnt think of this but..when Baldur died, before they sent him and Nanna on their last voyage, baldur was wrapped in a cloth as is customary.. but it specificaly says he was wrapped in a CRIMSON cloth. We've always said that the crimson wolves were trying to bring about Ragnarock and we are right. But have we ever really stopped to think why?" Selene sits down, aware that they eyes of the wolves in the hall are on her, some with interest others with anger" "What if the crimson wolves are doing this to resurrect Baldur and not just to finish us off and piss us off in the process? of course Hod would want to be in charge of them in some way! Think about it, with this army at his command, an army who may possibly have the same goal as him, to bring back baldur, he could achieve his goal. i know they were originaly ruled by Loki but its also in Lokis interest to bring about ragnarock and end his own suffering." Selene puts down the scroll and looks around the room, " the visions from turncap spoke of a wolf of many colours and we all agreed this was to show how the wolves were again to be unified. now, enemies or not, that may include the crimson wolves, im not however saying that garm has the same agenda as them, theres something else going on there... Perhaps there is someway we could let the crimson wolves know this, perhaps we could even get THEM to bring Garm to US......" Selene stands and with a glint in her eye says "whos going to help me catch a crimson wolf?" |
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Allanya glances up from where she has been sitting listening, looks round the room then turns to Selene "I'll come a hunting, it should be a bit of fun!!!" | |
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KOFF!!!!* Westag nearly wretches with his coughing, and the wheeze that rushes breath back into his old lungs sends his face bright red with effort... 'You want to WHAT?! *koffkoff**kkkekkek*' Westag pauses, takes a deep swig of mead and impatiently chucks his smokestick away (narrowly avoiding setting alight to Gunn's robes. 'No. NO! I forbid it, Selene. We cannot simply 'capture' a crimson wolf. They're savages and fanatics. I've seen one chew through taut wire bonds to escape questioning - he then ripped out two Stormwolf throats before we killed him. You can't reason with them, and the only information they have is lies and more damned lies.' Sincerity rings in Westag's strained voice, and the harrowed memories of a long, long life. '*koff* we can't - *koff* - take one prisoner without encountering a horde. And with Garm leading them, they're just too powerful. We're not going to rush foolishly into a battle that could kill us all. You don't remember last year's Fayre, Allanya We were lucky just to lose Ulric.' Westag looks at Selene with haunted eyes. 'Not yet, Selene. Once we have some kind of way to beat Garm, maybe we could take one in relative safely, but until then I forbid it.' |
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Saebjorn discreetly makes space nearer the fire as Westag hacks his lungs up.
Looking upon the old man's ravaged body, Saebjorn recognises the eternal hold
the dark of winter shall eventually have upon those who have lived many sagas. "Selene, a musing. The release of Hod and Balder would be a joyous event as the balance would be restored. Light and Dark. The serene darkness of Hod as necessary as the radiant light of Balder. Equal brothers as night and day. This would surely be an event to finally oppose the Trickster. Hod's revenge upon him would be Just, as this time Hod's hand will be guided by his brother, Balder. Maybe we should be helping to assure that their return occurs without hindrance?" |
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Selene speaks to seabjorne " I understand what you say about the balance it will bring, this is something i myself have thought about for a long time, but we cant just leave them too it, regardless of their original plan, whatever it may have been...the crimson wolves i mean...." Selene turns to Westag anger beginning to show in her face.. " I dont have to remind you that the crimson wolves wiped out Gingaren westag, neither do i have to remind you how they destroyed everything i loved, everything i ever had... apart from Kiera. I am well aware of how brutal they are and what they are capable of but if this is our only chance then i dont care" Selene throws her horn of mead to the side"im fed up of sitting and waiting. ive had enough of meditating and waiting for answers and not getting any! I miss our brothers who have passed over, i miss my family. I dont want to sit around here any more not doing anything" Selene walks into a corner and stands on her own, gazing into a near by fire, trying to collect her thoughts and calm down, images of Gingaren flow through her mind... |
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Hagar, who has been sitting quietly by his farhter stands un-noticed and walks
over to selene. Putting his hand gently on her should so's not to startle her,
he speaks so only salene can hear.
"here" Hagar holds out a fresh horn of mead. "You will find answers Selene, you always have. Although they do not present themselves in the most obvious way." he pauses before continuing "My father first taught me to be strong, then how to live by the sword. But he also taught me that knowledge is more powerful than any sword, and you have more knowledge than i could ever dream to have, you are truly blessed by the gods and they will help us when the time comes" Hagar takes his hand from her shoulder but continues to hold out the horn of mead. |
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'Where are *koff* you going now? By Odin's hairy balls, why do women always
take umbridge whenever I give an order?'
Westag flares up in anger in return, hurling vicous words at Selene's turned back. 'You don't have a monopoly on grief, Selene! Nor hatred, nor revenge and certainly not on frustration. This is a path we ALL tread, so don't you dare lecture ME on how the Crimson Wolves have hurt you more than anyone else!' Westag pauses in his invective, draining the tankard and looking a lot younger than he has recently. 'We gather information another way. Now if you've finished sulking, there are other options we need to discuss before we leave.' |
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the Paladin He laughs. The spirits before him flee in terror, hiding in the caves and outcrops of rock that characterise the blasted realm of Nifleheim. The macigs of his Patron obey his commands with but a word, stronger and more powerful than any he had cast in life. The tumult of tortured souls disperse before the mass of energies flying from his fingertips. The job done... he smiles. Looking behind him he sees the black gate of Nifleheim, one side frosted by cold, the other seared by heat. He could leave.... After all ... what could stop him? But he doesn't. He turns away from the gate and walks towards the base of a black mountain in the distance. He will stay here. He is home. |
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Olaf stands on the prow of his new boat, watching the mist part before him.
Though large, the teutonian boat was cumbersome. It could barely fit through the
rocks! Olaf reflected upon how he had come about the hulk... What a mess this
journey had become. The voyage had been going so well, untill they had reached
Olaf smiles grimly. The cargo and the boat may be recompense for the damage caused, but it was far from enough... The smile fades. That Drakkar had been with him since his days as a wolf-coat. It was a reminder of the ill-fated charge of Ottar Ulfhedin. Many good men had died that day, to allow the escape on Ottars boat. Only for it to be burned, by some bureaucratic Viper. Olaf remembered tracking the patrol that had burned and looted his vessel,
all in the name of teutonian law. Remembered waiting for them to part company,
and grabbing them off the roads of their own city. Blood-eagleing them on their
own pier, then burning it around them. Remembered sneaking aboard the ship he
now brought home... Now he would have to build a new boat. One worthy of the
memories. Worthy of his new life as a stormwolf, and adept of Aegir... Speaking
of boats, Olaf grinned, how would the Stormwolves react to seeing a Teutonian
merchant-vessel making it's way through |
Selene turns to westag and calmly replys " I never claimed that the crimson wolves had hurt me more than anyone else, i was merley trying to state that i AM aware of how dangerous they are. " Looking at Hagar Selene smiles.. "thank you for the mead, your father must be truly proud of you. You seem to have your fathers calming qualities...." as she walks past hagar to return to the other wolves she whispers in his ear with a grin.. "shame...you would have made a great husband for Kiera" then swiftly walks off watching him blush with embarrasment. As she approaches Westag she looks at him knowingly and says.. "if i never listened to your orders when i was 14 westag, what hope do you have now i am almost 30!....have you been to see someone about your ailment?" |
Rurisk is still musing.. Another worrying thought occurs... Does anyone know where Casboth's soul went once he was killed in the ritual circle.. My bet would be Niflheim... |
As Selene walks off Hagar sits down, leans against the wall and stares into the
near by fire with a thoughtful expression.
Indeed his father had taught him many things...! |
Saebjorn wrinkles his brow in puzzlement "Who was Casboeth? And what is this Heart of which many have spoken?" |
Casboeth was a traitor and Lord Mysts son. He was the leader of the crimson
wolves but died in the ritual circle the renewal before last.
Hear (of darkness) was a gathering at approximately the same time as this summit will be held last year. |
The heavy door to the hall creaks slighty as a cloaked figure slips into the
fire cast shadows. Sporting a heavy limp and covered in dried mud and more than a little caked blood, Ristain grins innanely as he aproached the assembled storm wolves... |
Westag pauses in his coughing seizure, and listens intently to Rurisk and
Saebjorn for a moment. A light seems to flash in his eyes, and he interrupts the two younger Stormwolves: 'Hang on a moment - I remember something else - you and I both got marked by Casboeth on Bjorne's trip to Niflheim, remember Rurisk? Casboeth obviously had the power to walk in and out of Niflheim THEN, what if....' Westag withdraws, his features creased with new concern. |
Selene shuffles uncomfortably as Mysts name is mentioned, deep inside, a quiet
little voice still tells her she isnt good enough and how she could never
compete with the greatness of myst.
She breathes heavily, not feeling confident of her ability any more and wondering why the Gods choose this path for her when her thoughts are interupted by Ristains enterance... She wanders over and hands him a horn of mead..."what in the name of odin happened to you, you look like youve played 10 games of hit it with Sven and you were the ball" She falls silent for a moment, hearing herself saying svens name, she shakes her head and tries to put yet another memory out of the way.. what happened to you....?" |
'Well interesting tale that.... last thing I remember I was packing and readying
myself to leave for the land of the cowardly lions, then I feel a 'headache'
coming on and then BOOM... i wake up on the other side of the island with a
throbbing head and a solid beating by the looks of things....' Ristain drinks deeply of the horn of mead 'Oh well' 'What i miss....?' |
Rurisk continues with Westag: Exactly my point Westag. What if Casboeths death isn't actually all that final. Perhaps now he is restrained to Hel's land but has convinced Garm to continue his work. Or worse perhaps he just isn't constrained. Add to that the fact that Casboeth could well have found Hod and convinced him to help bring Ragnarok early.. |
As the theories of who is who and who wants what are continued to be bated back
and forth. Hagar decieds he could do with some air, he stands, downs the remains
of his mead, picks up his sword and slips out of the hall. Outside the night is calm and only a gentle breeze blowes, Hagar takes several deep breaths and smiles quietly to himself, finds the nearest half comfy looking boulder and sits, staring out towards the cliffs. |
The after-effects of the storm are petering out now, doing little more than
ruffle Hagar's hair and pull at his jerkin as he stares out to sea. Then, as
suddenly as the fresh morning light that streaks splashes across the ocean, the
breeze shifts strongly, and now blows from the hills to the shore. Across the Island and the Hall, every Stormwolf pauses for a moment in their duties, savouring the fresh scents on the breeze. The change of the breeze is an age-old sign on the island, and carried in the bones of all Stormwolves is the knowledge it portends. The Gods are blessing a journey this day. The Runes in Selene's pouch seem to skitter and pulse with anticipation. Wenches immediately seem to move from serving mead to fetching tack and sharpening blades. With great whoops, the younger Stormwolves race off to get their gear, hopeful as ever to be included in the journey. Westag lifts his head from the conspiracies of the Hall, and breathes in deeply. 'Time to leave Stormwolves. Gather your things - this conversation will have to continue at Odinsholme.' With that he levers himself haltingly up from the bench and begins looking for his equipment. |
Selene Stands up... "Im not coming with you.......Ive got a lot of things here i need to do..ive got a lot of things i need to sort out in my head...sorry..." She sits by the fire and as the other wolves busy themselves with packing she drinks quietly from her horn. Many things are running through selenes head and she finds herself mindlessly playing with her bag of runes... "what would uthgra think of me now?" she thinks to herself...the cold stone of the runes soothing her slightly... "all those years of training yet i stil have no answers for them. Westag has lost his eye becasue of me, svens dead, bjornes dead..what kind of rune reader am i, i should have seen these things..is this my payback for what happened in Gingaren?...." memories of happier times flood back to her and glimpses of her parents and uthgra, the village and even (a much younger) Westag pop up in her mind..she rests her head in her hands and sighs heavily |
the Paladin.. He reaches the top of the smouldering mountain and turns to survey the scene below him. Smoke rises in the west from pits of bubbling lava and drifts slowly across the frozen lakes to the east. To the North, the gates... and far to the south, Helheim, the hall of his patron. From here he can see everything. To the untrained (or unwelcome) eye, Niifleheim would be a harsh realm, but to the young Paladin the land thrums with the Magic of Hel. In the Paladin's eyes there is nothing more inspiring - not even the sight of Westag in a temper. A brief smile flickers across Bjorne's face. Despite their differences Bjorne repected the foul tempered old man. Westag had been the closest he had ever had to a father. His close ties to Myst had been severed in the ritual circle ... even if it was the will of the Gods. Shaking his head the Paladin scan the mountain top. Nodding slowly he raises one hand and closes his eyes. Images of the Lady Hel flood his mind. Opening his eyes he speaks a single word.. "Create". The rock beneath his feet shifts and begins to rise. From the top of the mountain bastions begin to rise and join with other fortified constructs. Within seconds a bastion of black rock has formed at the summit of the mountain. Ragnarok may come early. If it does, the armies of Nifleheim will be trained and ready ... |