The Aesir :  Click here for a list of the Incarna


The Æsir cult  - in Brief  or here for more depth
another good link with lost of information -

The Beginning

    In the void abyss Ginnungagape, between Niflheimr and Múspell, the giant Ymer was created.
    Ymer lived of a cow, Auðhumla, whose breath created Buri.
    Buri's son Bor had three sons, Odin,Vili, and Ve.

    The brothers Odin, Vili and Ve killed the giant Ymir.

    His blood became the oceans and so on ...

    The first two humans were created when Odin kissed drift-wood of ash and elm. They were named Ask and Embla after the trees.


    Where the Gods, Aesirs and Vanir live.

  • The chief god Odin, & his wife Frigg (a Vanir).
    Odin sacrificed one of his eyes in the well of wisdom, Mimirs well,
    ie Mimir is the head of a God (in the well) whom Odin consults.
    Odin also hung nine days and nights from Yggdrasil. To learn the secret of runes.
    He had two ravens Hugin and Munin (Thought and Memory) and an eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
    His weapon was the spear "Gungnir".
  • Thor & his wife Sif.
    He had two he-goats pulling a wagon making thunder & lightning.
    Mjolnir was his weapon, a hammer.
    Thor had red tangled beard.


  • Balder (son of Odin) & his wife Nanna.


  • Loki (formerly a giant) & his wife Signy.
  • The Mean but handsome one.


    "The hall of slain warriors" on Odin's farm Glansheim.
    Where Odin invited the fallen warriors (Einherjar) there, to fight, feast and mingle with the Valkyrians.


    Where people live, in the middle of the world.


    The road betwen Asgard and Midgard, the rainbow.


    The world tree, a mighty ash.


    Where the giants lives.


    The lower regions, the place for the dead. Ruled by Hel (daughter of Loki) and guarded by the mean dog "Garm".

The End



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