Ørkneyjar and its Peøple



The Keli - The Ørkneyjaran leader is knøwn as the Keli.  Selectiøn øf the Keli is by the peøple før the peøple.  Candidates cannøt prøpøse themselves, and the hønøur cannøt be refused ønce the will øf the peøple is knøwn.


The Fishspeaker – the Fishspeaker is the advisør tø the Keli.  He interprets the Wisdøm øf the Fish før all.  The Fishspeaker cøntains a genetic mutatiøn alløwing them tø interpret the Great Fish Øf Ørkneyjar.  When a Fishspeaker dies the new øne is identified in a førmal ceremøny knøwn as Søle-seeking.


The Priestess Øf Alba – Called Cai, and sent by Scathach tø raise a warband øn Ørkneyjar.  Daffyd was passingthe Temple at the time and wqas told to accompany her.  Rumøur exists øf the Curse øf Cai, such that persøns øf Rank in her sphere are cursed tø die within the year.  Having løst øne Caledønian King (Unicørn), and having twø die in cømbat (Øscar, Sam), øn arrival in Ørkneyjar the first Keli (Kellym) died in his first skirmish.  Daffyd was later elected and is the current Keli.  As tø whether the recent deaths øf the Wølves’ leadership are linked tø the Curse has nøt been cønfirmed.


The Ikeasøns -The Ikeasøn family døminate the islands øf Ørkneyjar in sø far as they are the ønly family, and exclusively supply the members øf the Warband. 


The Warband – The Warband hølds allegiance tø the Keli and is cølløquially named Keli’s Herøes.  Recently førmed tø develøp a fighting strength frøm Ørkneyjar, the Warband has føught recently at Devastatiøn 1105, but unførtunately suffered many casualties, including Kellym, the then Keli.  The røle øf Hønøur før the warband cønsists øf:


Current Band:-

Daffyd – Keli - late øf Cymria and Caledønia

Cai – Priestess øf Alba

Sürli Ikeasøn – Fishspeaker

Slici Ikeasøn – Champiøn øf the twø-handed kelp knife

Cøøkie Ikeasøn – Pizza Purveyør

Ünicørn – førmer King Øf Caledønia

Hyax – squire tø Cai

Fershifter – squire tø Cai

Bøb – Nøvitiate øf Alba



Sülki Ikeasøn



KelliM – Cøøk tø the Band - died Devastatiøn 1105

Strøpi Ikeasøn – died Devastatiøn 1105

Callüm Ikeasøn – died Devastatiøn 1105



The ecønømy øf Ørkneyjar is inextricably linked tø the sea arøund it.  99.6% øf the pøpulatiøn derives its incøme frøm the møst abundant resøurce in the Ørkneyjaran waters; Kelp.  The øther 0.4% is empløyed in pizza manufacture and distributiøn.


Due tø the manually intensive trap and bait preparatiøn, as well as, the inørdinate amøunt øf time and patience required tø tempt the larger specimens, Kelp fishing is a 24/7 øccupatiøn during the summer mønths, when sufficient quantities need tø be caught tø service the secøndary industries Ørkneyjar suppørts; laminate Kelp fløøring, and shelving systems, with new industries like flat pack øvens being intrøduced.


Despite ønly utilising a minute prøpørtiøn øf the pøpulatiøn øf Ørkneyjar, pizza manufacture generates øver 80% øf the islands incøme and is fast becøming the føød øf chøice øf the Cøntinental Factiøns, as well as a valuable søurce øf tax rebates.

Culture / Religiøn

The Ørkneyjaran are well knøwn før their høspitality, generøsity and willingness tø impart their knøwledge tø visitørs.  Many a visitør has spent many høurs in deep cønversatiøn after asking høw the øven wørks.


The Kelp Mønster plays a large part in the mythøs øf Ørkneyjar.  Used tø frighten children intø behaving and keeping away frøm the møst dangerøus kelp beds, even adults are wary øf fishing aløne in the høurs arøund midnight, knøwn as the Kelping Høurs.


The Great Fish is dispenser øf wisdøm øn Ørkneyjar and is a symbøl øf prøtectiøn against the Kelp Mønster.  It’s name is øften invøked as a prøtectiøn against any danger.  Disagreement are arbitrated by the Great Fish in cøurts called the Scales Øf Justice.


Phrases yøu might here in the Ørkneyjaran Camp:-


Six frønds shørt øf a full Kelp – slightly mad

Gøne tø swim with the Kelp - Died

Wearing Kelp øvershøes – Murdered

Tell us abøut the øven, Cøøkie – I’m having trøuble sleeping

Pass the salt – my cøffee is missing sømething

By Fishy – Øh my wørd


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